
An Unwanted Episode

You know what? I had an episode at the coffee shop I frequented. When asked by a middle-aged coffee server if I wanted a drink, I specified my usual order: kopi siew siew dai (coffee with condensed milk but extremely less sugar). To confirm my order, she repeated it and I nodded with approval. Here is the problem: she served me a kopi c (coffee with evaporated milk and sugar) instead when she returned. When I pointed out that it was a wrong order, she attempted to wheedle me into accepting it. Yet when I rebuffed it, she claimed that I gave a nod when she repeated kopi c; which apparently was a downright false accusation! She’d put words into my mouth. Seeing me peeved, she tried to salvage it by asking me again to relent on the pretext that no one would accept the coffee in a negotiating tone; of which I stood my ground. Seeing that I was unbudged, she moved away, disappointed. What an unwanted episode…

© Derrick Lim


Life is Two

Where there is gloom
There is bloom
Where there is darkness
There is light
Where there is loneliness
There is companionship
Where there is pain
There is relief
Where there is hate
There is love
Where there is grief
There is joy
Where there is despair
There is hope
Where there is death
There is life
Where there is evil
There is good
Where there is a devil
There is a God
Life is so clear
Like water unsmeared
What is life to you
When you can’t see the two

© Derrick Lim


A Little Sty

In the mirror I closely stare
In horror I spot a little sty
Though ’tis no cause for a sigh
Yet to bleed it dry
Pain cringes me at making a try
But the disposition to grind
To ease the itch so ply
Tormenting me to commit crime
Laying my hands so brine
For a squeeze on the sly
Yet so advised not to pry
For a disfigured sight to cry
‘Tis a kind of sty
That makes one’s temper fly
Yet to make it look mild
So quietly let it slide
And soon it shall tide
Never will you mind
A sty so fine

©Derrick Lim


Joy Epiphany

Joy bursts forth
Smile shines forth
Laughter breaks forth
Happiness raptures forth
All in the heart
All from the heart
All from an open heart
To the Author of joy
To the Creator of your heart
Who sits on its throne
the throne of your heart
Exuding overflowing joy
Only if you open your heart
To Him
And Him alone
© Derrick Lim


A Samaritan Encounter

On the morning of 9 December 2015, I came over to the hotel room next door; it was chilly cold inside even with thick clothes donned in Tokyo, Japan. A frail little girl of ten, looking wan in her little dainty frame, could barely beam any tinge of beatification — a merciless breakout of red dappled spots smothered her face and body — a heartrending sight of my little princess. In the innermost recesses of my heart, tears bled like a knife being stabbed into its core, and any withdrawal from its incision could engender me in hyperventilation for desperate gasps of breath. Many who saw her suspected chicken pox as their visual prognosis — and I thought likewise in quiescence — though I spoke dismissively it wasn’t so. The look of her eyes, her anguish of pain, revealed her fear of the truth heard — yet not a word came from my lips to corroborate their prognosis. Take action! Help my girl! reverberated in my head in throbbing loudness. To the streets I went, with the smattering Japanese I knew, I seized every opportunity to intercept every person met to inquire about the clinic I could get her to. A short distance from view stood a lady in headscarf diametrically across the road, huckstering some stuff at the foot traffic. Attention was drawn to her when I heard a uttering of some familiar Chinese words. Yes! She’s the one I’m looking for I reckoned. I accosted her for help on directions to the clinic. Amazingly kind she was, I was accompanied to a clinic nearby to secure a queue number for my girl to see the doctor. Though the doctor couldn’t see my girl due to the clinic’s closing for lunch, he graciously referred me to another clinic. Had it not been the translation rendered by Ms Chen, a Taiwanese, I could never have had that conversation with him made a cinch. Well, the rest was history. My princess received the medical treatment needed; my heart was set at ease alas. What a samaritan encounter! 
© Derrick Lim
